A Dependable Transports provides expert care for your goods from pier or shipper pickup to final delivery. From our central East Coast location, we are equidistant to Maine, Florida and Tennessee.
The latest communication equipment is one resource that allows us to exceed the expectations of our customers.
A Dependable fleet is equipped with Qualcomm’s 2-way satellite communications system. This technology assures quick response time, absolute accuracy, on the spot tracking, and dependable delivery.
We started using A Dependable Transports for our deliveries a couple years ago and it has been a pleasure. The logistics department has done such a great job for us with deliveries and quotes. They are always so quick to help and provide the documents we need really fast. They ROCK!!!
Mário Del Monte Sobrinho, Logistic Manager, TUPY
One day truckload service to major cities including:
Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, Charlotte Atlanta, Jacksonville, Memphis
Columbus, and Detroit
We distinguish ourselves from the competition by offering 24-hour-a-day, 7-days-a-week availability and careful, accurate freight handling. Our routes are carefully scheduled and constantly monitored to ensure problem-free deliveries. Our 48-state truck fleet provides smooth, uninterrupted service with the added convenience of only one contact from start to finish. We fulfill our transportation promise every time.